Sunday, January 27, 2013


SCHOOLHOUSE STOCK - Watch this video, smartypants!

Its a rather elementary but poignant primer on what we do and how it works; WE INVEST in the talents/ability of OTHERS, in order to help increase its stock value enough per-share, that the venture actually PAYS for your continued involvement, as it continues to grow.

We help "raise" companies.

Thursday, January 17, 2013

STARSH!P Round Table (EDM Dinner & Cocktail Party/Workshop)

BI-MONTHLY EDM Media and Event Production Workshop, Seminar, Clinic; B'ham AL. (V.I.P./BY HOST INVITE ONLY + 1; produced by STARSH!P and Buglove)
MATTHEW'S BAR & GRILL, B'ham, AL 35205
$5 cover
 (click pic to RSVP)
Knights of the Round Table
(click picture for more event details)

THURSDAY INDUSTRY MEET/LISTENING PARTY & PRIVATE CLUBHOUSE NIGHT - Enjoy great food (menu -  ), cocktails and music with industry friends, spin on the "ROUND" TABLE where different decks, DJs talent performances and even local/regional demos may be auditioned while goers discuss how to build a better creative community/culture from our homes to our cities' entertainment districts.

We'll be holding it down til you get here with dinner, drinks and small floorshow segments hosted by Kat!e Bug and Opx. MJ Darl!ng, but at midnight, the chariot turns back into a pumpkin until next time! 

For more event detail and to RSVP, just click the pic above; hope to see you there! 

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

The ANOMILE/Buglove Alliance, And The STARSHIP Launch

After a long season of preparation, the crew produces a bevy of ambitious dance party cereals, and events, recruiting yet another generation of creative crewmates in the process. 

  • Awakenings (High Note/Rockin' Horse Lounge, Southside B'ham, AL)
  • The Snacks (B'ham, AL)
  • Cobain-Con (Annual Cobain Patterson Birthday Bash) 2012
  • STARSH!P Training
  • XANADU (High Note/Rockin' Horse Lounge, Southside B'ham, AL)
    Humpday Hangout (Film Club/EDM Weekly At High Note/Rockin' Horse Lounge, Southside B'ham, AL)


AWAKENINGS (High Note/Rockin' Horse Lounge, Southside B'ham, AL)




COBAIN-CON (Annual Cobain Patterson Birthday Bash) 2012


Steve's Birthday Dinner, 2014

K-Day 2013 with Allison Smith, Steven Smith, Kiran Strickland, MJ Darling, and Pam Johnson




XANADU (High Note/Rockin' Horse Lounge, Southside B'ham, AL)




HUMPDAY HANGOUT (FILM CLUB/EDM WEEKLY At High Note/Rockin' Horse Lounge, Southside B'ham, AL)