STARSH!P: LIVE Event Series
THERE ARE SIXTEEN (16) TOTAL SHARES PER EVENT - Each partner must satisfy their respective duties (within reason) to receive their full percentage after each event execution.
Here's how many each partner shall receive and the description of duties expected for each to fulfill, in kind.
ANOM!LE is expected to:
*Supply basic media playback/capture equipment/operators per contracted events.
*Supply up to 80% of the TALENT lineup for contracted events (20% by other partners).
*Supply labor for default equipment setup/breakdown per event.
*Assist PROMOTIONS and MANAGEMENT by utilizing referred/prepared TALENT.
*Supply event promo graphics of the contracted event(s) for PROMOTIONS to print and circulate.
*Supply stage time, promotional and technical assistance for participating TALENTs.
*Assist PROMOTIONS and MANAGEMENT by supporting partner/associate's efforts.
*Execute payroll finalities, factoring info copy received from MANAGEMENT at conclusion of each event (event report copies are to be shared to verify results of executed event, in combination with each team's event cost receipts).
Buglove is expected to:
*Procure venues' confidence as their entertainment "agent of choice", representing all administrative partners, collectively.
*Cover media printing cost, supplying three competitive printing rates.
*Circulate/promote ads and fliers both online and in person at designated locales/media outlets (ie., storefronts, colleges, TV, radio and/or news publications, etc.).
*Supply door personnel to take attendance number and admission during contacted events, logging the hourly "headcount", partners in attendance and till amount (a copy kept by each team).
*Assist PRODUCTION and MANAGEMENT in co-host/hostessessing with at least two PROMOTIONS representatives per contracted event (not including the door personnel, who must remain stationary).
Turner Management is expected to:
* Protect PRODUCTION and PROMOTION's collective developing business interests concerning the timely execution of contracted events (plus weekly promptings in keeping with production timetable, meetings, practice, setup, etc.).
*Assist PRODUCTION by supplying new bookings, system rental and TALENT referrals to assist PRODUCTION's expansion (includes commissioned "talent scouting" for PRODUCTION as well).
*Assist PRODUCTION and PROMOTION in co-host/hostessessing with at least two MANAGEMENT representatives per contracted event.
*Receive admissions till and hourly report from PROMOTIONS, logging the total "headcount", partners in attendance and till amount, turning the till and a copy of the loggings to PRODUCTION.
*Assist PRODUCTION in supplying/maintaining neutral-access savings account for the TALENT's "seasonal headliner" fund (eg., the remaining 2 shares; perhaps event consensus and multiple signing needed for account access).
*Supply monthly, seasonal and annual reports to PRODUCTION and PROMOTION reflecting the logged results of contracted efforts.
(4 shares for current event's talent, split according to each act's workload/resulting promotion efforts, 2 shares reserved by administration for seasonal "headliner" payment).
Talent is expected to:
*Arrive at least 1 hour early for contracted event for setup, soundchecks, pre-show rehearsal, etc.
*Appear and perform in condition of "sound mind and body" to the approval of PRODUCTION and PROMOTION (and by MANAGEMENT if/when applicable; eg. health and/or hygiene).
*Supply specified entertainment for contracted event.
*Supply all equipment and setup personnel needed to execute core performance (PRODUCTION supplies basic/overall event equipment for additional amplification).
*Assist PROMOTIONS by participating in the contracted event(s)' ad campaigns (which may include online tagging, associate event invites, etc.).
*Assist PROMOTIONS by supplying one's own additional mode of promotions and following to the contracted event (advertise, invite and bring your people too).
*Complete successful performance for contracted event (which may include additional hosting assistance and some announcing/presenting and "meet and greets" after performing).
*Present either one's self, an approved representative/surrogate, or payment forwarding info at the conclusion of the contracted event to receive agreed consideration from PRODUCTION (some delayed payouts may take as many as 3-7days according to administrative "post-weekend follow-up" period).
Divide the total till amount by the total shares (16), then multiply by the applicable share amount. The resulting figure is your expected profit share.![](
(share worth determined by the proximal production cost paid-into the event/project, per partner):
FAQ: How can I/we make MORE?
..and for all administrative teams to not only know their own and each others' jobs, but for each team to vigilantly ACQUIRE MULTIPLE ACCOUNTS/CLIENTS to generate higher individual profit (ie., PROMOTION acquires VENUES as clients and MANAGEMENT acquires TALENTs as clients, PRODUCTION provides platform for TALENTs' development).
As a TALENT, shooting for BETTER PERFORMANCE ACTS and a REFINED WORK ETHIC gets you referrals from all of administration, resulting in not only more paying booking opportunities but higher levels of future administrative consideration!
The greater the total results, the greater percentage per partner, and the more clients and venues, the HIGHER our earning potential.
The sky's the FLOOR, people!
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